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Life Sciences, orientation Viticulture and Enology

Master SUP

Haute école spécialisée de Suisse occidentale HES-SO

Luogo di formazione

Nyon (VD)

Lingua di insegnamento


Tipo di formazione

Scuole universitarie professionali SUP

Modalità temporali

Tempo pieno



Indirizzi di studio

Scienze agrarie


Aggiornato il 12.04.2024


Descrizione della formazione

The Master of Science in Life Sciences prepare the students for the challenges originating from the job market (big data, digitalization, Industry 4.0) and understand the concepts of entrepreneurship, innovation, and business.This Major offers a choice of 5 specialization modules : analyze the grapevine environment and implement sustainable viticulture practices, explore genetic resources and grapevine production, design efficient wineries, master the technology, chemistry, and microbiology of fermented beverages, and apply wine economics and management principles to enhance the value of wine.

Piano di formazione

The Viticulture and Enology Major is a Master with double diploma : Master of Sciences in Life Sciences and EuroMaster Vinifera. Students following this programme will spend the first year in Changins. Whole or part of their second year will be spent in one of Universities from the Vinifera EuroMaster Consortium in Germany, Italy, Spain or Portugal.

The Master's degree is the second university degree after the Bachelor's and is generally equivalent to the acquisition of 90-120 ECTS credits.
1 ECTS credit is equivalent to approximately 25-30 hours of work.

Link verso il piano di formazione


Condizioni d'ammissione

  • Bachelor in Viticulture or Enology or
  • Bachelor in a related field from a University of Federal Institute of Technology
  • Other applications are judged on the academic curriculum and the practical experience
  • People with a long industrial experience can ask a validation of this experience (email for more information)

Complementary course work in viticulture and enology may be required based on the candidate’s accademic performance.

Link verso l'ammissione


  • 30 April 2025.
  • 15 February 2025 when a visa is needed.
  • Until 30 June late registration period, subject to specific conditions and availability.


Registration fee: CHF 150.-

Tuition fee: CHF 750.-/semester

Study costs: CHF 250.-/semester


  • Master scuola universitaria professionale SUP

Master of Science HES-SO in Life Sciences, orientation Viticulture and Enology


The Master of Science HES-SO in Life Sciences is internationally recognised.

Master graduates will be able to occupy leadership positions in national and international companies as well as in government agencies and non-governmental organizations.

They are heading teams and manage interdisciplinary projects in:

  • Research & Development
  • Quality Management
  • Marketing and Business Managment

Informazioni pratiche

Luogo / indirizzo

  • Nyon (VD)

Svolgimento temporale




4 semesters

Modalità temporali

  • Tempo pieno

Lingua di insegnamento

  • inglese


Informazioni / contatto